List of Modules for godot engine
Godot 2 Modules
In the vast majority of the cases, to use this modules you need to compile godot with the module you want to use. You can read the documentation on custom modules, creating android modules and compiling godot in the official documentation page and of course the documentation of the module you want to use.
- Godot Unit Testing. Utility to write tests for your game.
- Script to build Godot export templates
- Godot Themes. Includes syntax highlighting themes.
- Godot syntax themes
- Godot firebase integration for Godot
GodotSql by FrogSquare. Module to access sql database
- GodotGoogleService module by FrogSquare
- Play Game Services module by ranmaru90
- Godot facebook module by FrogSquare
- bbGGPS by Teamblublee. Google Play Services module
- GodotGps by Mavhod. Google Play Services module
Godot ads modules
- Godot ads by FrogSquare
- Adbuddiz by Alexey
- GodotAppodeal by carlosmarti. Godot module for appodeal, there is available a tutorial by shinnil for this module.
- GodotHeyzap module by shin-nil. Godot module for Heyzap. Check the shinnil tutorial
- bbAdmob by teamblublee
- Gomob by kamilors. Godot admob module for IOS
- GodotAdmob by Mavhod
Godot In App Purchase modules
- GooglePaymantsV3 module is integrated in godot engine. Read more
- Servces for IOS is partially implemented in godot. Read more
External tools
- Godot Tools for Visual Studio
- Emacs major mode for Gdscript
- Gdscript for geany by haimat
- Gdscript for gedit by haimat
- Gdscript for atom by IndicaInkwell
- Gdscript for vim by quabug
- Gdscript support for sublimetext by beefsack